Liebster Award!


Thank you Ashleigh at a frolic through fiction for nominating me for this award!



  • Make a post linking the person who nominated you
  • Answer the 5 questions the person who nominated you provided
  • Include the award sticker on the post
  • Nominate 5-10 other bloggers you think are worthy of this award. Let them know you nominated them by commenting on their blogs. Give them 5 questions to answer.
  • Copy the rules onto the post.


The Questions:

What’s your favorite book genre?
This is a tricky one because there are many that I enjoy, but I’d have to say either contemporary or urban fantasy. I am quite the sucker for a good old-fashioned realistic love story.

Why did you start blogging?
I started Read Hot Reviews several years ago in college. I had recently gotten back into reading and decided to do the 100 book challenge (Read 100 books in a year). To help keep track of the books I was reading, I decided to start a blog as a way to hold myself accountable.

After that challenge, my commitment to the blog waned and I got really busy with graduating, getting a “big girl” job, and eventually planning a wedding. Reading took a backseat for a while but I’m really trying to commit myself to it once again. I decided to start blogging again, and though the name is the same, the blog (and even the platform – the old one was in Blogger) is new.

I’m really enjoying getting back into the book blogging community. There are so many wonderful people here 🙂

What other social media do you use?
Though I don’t post very often, I scroll through Facebook pretty much daily. I also lurk fairly frequently on Reddit. I’ve never really gotten into the Twitter thing, but I’ve been trying to got on board now that I’m blogging again.

Paperbacks, hardbacks or E-books?
As far as physical books go – I always think that hardcovers are generally so much prettier than paperbacks. If a book is part of a series though, I really need them to all be in the same format. There is nothing worse than the first book being released as a paperback and the subsequent novels being hardcover.  Drives me insane!

Now, if you had asked me about e-books a few months ago I would’ve been all “Poo, poo! e-Books are lame!” And while I still harbor most those feelings, I caved and bought a Nook to take with me on business trips and to keep in my purse for reading at work. While I still prefer the look, feel, and smell of physical books, I’m starting to be spoiled by the convenience of an e-reader.

My ideal situation would be if you could get a copy of the ebook with purchase of the physical book. Then I would still satisfy the collector in me and be able to show them off on my shelves, but I would have the lightness and convenience of the e-reader for bringing places like work or on trips. Make it happen, publishers!

Do you have any pets? If so, what animal and what are they named?
My husband and I have a two-year old basset/lab mix named Elsa. She is adorable. See exhibit A (bonus shot of the Nook):



I nominate the following blogs for the Liebster award:

Nicole @ Nikolieohlieoh 
Louise @ BookishTribute
Emma @ Emma the Book Lover
Samer @ bookbubblebee
Lacey  @ Lacey Knox

And here are your questions!

1. What is the first book you remember loving?
2. How often do you utilize the library?
3. What’s your favorite book-to-movie adaptation?
4. Did you ask for any books for the Holidays?
5. What hobbies do you have besides reading?


Thanks for reading!

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